The next day, 

Sia was talking to ladies and helping her with their problems when Sunaina walked toward her with Grandma. 

"Sia, I have decided that now onwards you and Sunaina will share all the works. Sunaina, come I will introduce you to everyone."  Grandma was going to address the crowd when Sia stopped her and said sternly," Grandma, I am sorry to be rude but you are our elder but in position I am queen of this kingdom. I am not random girl that you can order me." Sia said with confidence looking at Grandma.

"Don't forget she is Abhimanyu's wife too. She is his first love, sooner or later Abhimanyu will accept her as his wife." Grandma said in taunting tone. 

Sia took a deep breath and said," Grandma, you are talking about future incident. But today reality is I am Abhimanyu's wife and queen. And if one day Abhimanyu accept her as his wife then I will leave this position myself. I am not interested to fight over the man or position."

"You" Before Grandma could speak, Abhimanyu said in stern voice," Grandma, Sia is my wife and queen. I have warned you several times don't disrespect her. You have made scene in front of people and I don't like this. And about Sunaina, I told you she can live her comfortably but she is not my wife. I can find good husband for her in the future."

"Abhimanyu, what are you saying? Have you forgotten about our love? Don't you love me anymore?"Sunaina asked looking at him with teary eyes. 

Abhimanyu looked at her, and to be very honest he didn't feel anything. If he saw tears in Sia's eyes, he would burn whole world for her happiness but he didn't feel anything for Sunaina. He took a deep breath and said,"Sunaina, I have waited for you for 2 years. But now I love Sia, she is my life and I can't do anything which hurt her."

He turned toward Grandma and said,"Grandma, I know you don't like Sia but don't forget she is queen now. You can't disrespect her. And this is my last warning, if you again disrespect Sia then I will quit my position as king because nothing is important than my wife." Saying this he walked toward his room. 

Sia entered the room and asked seeing him sitting on the bed holding his head," Maharaj, why are you sitting like this?"

He didn't reply, she frowned and asked," Are you angry with me? "

He turned toward her and said," Today, I have understand that I am no importance in your life. You told them , that you would never fight over a man. I am not worthy that you fight over me? You can leave me so easily?" He asked painfully.

Sia cupped his face and said," Maharaj, you are the most important person. I just wanted your happiness that's why I said this. If you love Sunaina and wanted to be with her, I would never come between your happiness."

Abhimanyu sighed, he joined their forehead and said,"Sia, I don't want anything else. I just want you, I am ready to sacrifice anything including my king position. Please never leave me." 

Sia caressed his cheek, what she did to deserve man like him. She hugged him and whispered, "I love you so much."

"I love you too." He said hugging her tightly. 

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