Abhimanyu was shocked to hear her, he asked," What? How do you know?"

"2 days ago, I saw you talking to minister in the temple. I heard everything, he was asking you why are you here in this look. He called you Maharaj Abhimanyu." Sia replied, trying her best to hide her pain. 

Abhimanyu was still looking at her with shock, composing himself, he said,"I am sorry, it was not intentional. I didn't hide the truth."

Before he could speak further, Sia interrupted him and said," I don't want to hear anything. I don't care about your explanation." Saying this, she was trying to walk when he held her from shoulder and said angrily," Fine! I lied to you. And I am sorry for that, but why are you spoiling your life. You know that man would destroy your life." 

Pia didn't say anything, she was struggling to come out of his hold but he didn't budge. Not able to control her emotions, she pushed him hard and shouted," Stay away from me."

She falls on the floor and said," Please, don't do this. Please , I am starting falling for you. It would become difficult for me to stay without you if you keep coming in front of me like this. If I had known you were a king, I would never have dared to fall in love with you. Please leave me alone to my fate and let me stay peacefully. I have to marry him, otherwise I will never be able to forget you, Maharaj." 

Abhimanyu was staring at her with shocked, she loves him. She took a deep breath, standing up she said, "Tell me, will you marry me? Will you marry girl like me?"

Seeing him silent, she said, joining her hand," Maharaj, please leave me alone." She was leaving, when she turned toward him and said touching his feet," I am marry him because I have no other option. But,  I promise my heart will always belong to you. " Abhimanyu was stunned to hear her words, he was looking at her with emotions which he can't explain with words. They kept looking at each other, diverting her gaze she walked toward the village. 

As Sia reached her home, everybody was shocked to see her. Raju said looking at her angrily," You've come back after meeting your lover. I will never marry characterless girl like you." Saying this, he left. 

Her mother slapped her and said angrily, "Why did you return? There's no place here for a shameless and characterless girl in my house."

"You can't stay in this village. We don't want to spoil our daughter and sisters. You will spoil them." One of villager said, everyone agreed with him. Everyone started pelting stone on her, while Sia was standing like a lifeless person like she didn't care about anything. 

Everyone stopped hearing loud roar, "Stop it." They turned toward the source and shocked to see Abhimanyu who was looking angry with red eyes. He marched toward mandap, picking red vermillion filled Sia's hairline making her shocked. He asked priest to chant the mantras, while he held held Sia's hand and started taking pheras while she was too shocked to react. 

He said, after priest declared them husband and wife, "She is my wife now. Don't you dare to speak anything about her, otherwise I will kill that person. Now leave." Nobody knows he is king, but they got scared seeing his anger and aura. Slowly they walked out of the place. 

Abhimanyu heard her step mother' s voice, she tried her best to show her confidence," Take her with you, we don't want her to live in my house." 

Abhimanyu ignored her words, he held Sia's hand and going to walk when she jerked his hand and said angrily," I  don't accept this marriage." She rushed inside her room and closed the door, making Abhimanyu shocked. 

"Look at this girl, I don't know what she thinks of herself. I won't tolerate her even for a minute in my house." Step mother said angrily, Abhimanyu looked at her. 

He picked 10 gold coin from his pocket and said, forwarding toward Sia's step-mother, "She needs time so, I am not taking her today. But, remember she is my wife. And one scratch on her body, I will burn you with this house.  I am giving you this money to take care of my wife."

Sia's step mother eyes sparked seeing gold coin, she took the coin and said in sweet voice,"Aree jamai ji (Son-in-law), This is not something that needs to be said. She is my daughter, obviously I will take care of her. Don't worry, I will look after your wife."

Abhimanyu sighed seeing her overacting, looking at the house one last time he walked toward his mahal. 

"Mom, this girl is so lucky. She got rich and handsome husband. I will not leave her." Sia's step sister, Jhanvi said angrily, burning in jealousy and anger. 

"Don't be fool. Can't you see, not only rich and handsome ,he seems like powerful man. So, stay away from Sia. And why are you getting upset, we will take benefit from him. I will arranged money for your marriage. I will marry you with very rich man so that everyone will be jealous to see you. Trust on your mom." Jhanvi got happy, she hugged her and said, "Mom, you are best."

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